The US Department of Defense (DoD) Sponsored
Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Howard University
Postdoc openings (multi-year position)
Postdoc openings (multi-year position)
Position 1 link:
Position 2: Coming soon
We are recruiting self-motivated PhD students to join the CoE-AIML. If you are interested to work on challenging AI/ML problems, please feel free to reach out to Prof. Danda B. Rawat.
We are recruiting self-motivated PhD students to join the CoE-AIML. If you are interested to work on challenging AI/ML problems, please feel free to reach out to Prof. Danda B. Rawat.
We are recruiting undergraduate students to join the CoE-AIML. If you are interested to work on challenging AI/ML problems, please refer to the flyer below.
We are recruiting undergraduate students to join the CoE-AIML. If you are interested to work on challenging AI/ML problems, please refer to the flyer below.

Undergrad research opportunity application link: